
Forced compliance theory
Forced compliance theory

forced compliance theory

In some circumstances, however, there may be no alternative to enforcing strict coercive policy. There is thus no dissonance arousal which is caused by a clash between one’s views and one’s behaviour. Forced compliance, as it is known, does not cause dissonance arousal, because the change in behaviour can be dismissed as something that had to be done, rather than as something that clashes with one’s beliefs. It also deals with the alternative policy of forcing people to comply with interventions by the state. The theory is especially well suited to this task, because in essence it deals with ways to overcome the problem of effecting desirable behavioural change without forcing people to do so. The goal is to ameliorate this vast problem by applying policies derived from one of the best-known theories of social psychology, known as cognitive dissonance.

forced compliance theory

It focuses on the goal of altering an individual's attitude through persuasion and authority.Though there has been some success in reducing the vast numbers of those who refuse to comply with the rules regarding the wearing of masks, social distancing, and handwashing, there are still far too many millions of people who have not complied with these undemanding and effective measures. Forced compliance theory is the idea that authority or some other perceived higher-ranking person can force a lower-ranked individual to make statements or perform acts that violate their better judgment. It emerged in the field of social psychology. Forced compliance theory is a paradigm that is closely related to cognitive dissonance theory.It focuses on the goal of altering an individual's attitude through persuasion and authority.

Forced compliance theory